Misdemeanor Lawyers in Littleton and Denver, CO

DUI, Speeding, Petty Theft Cases & More

A misdemeanor charge may seem minor, but in reality, some can carry serious criminal penalties. Fortunately, many of these penalties can be minimized or eliminated by having a strong defense.

At Miller & Steiert, located in Littleton, Colorado, we have nearly 30 years of experience protecting the rights of clients with misdemeanor charges. This experience is a strong asset because we are often able to understand and anticipate the prosecution’s arguments. We then use our knowledge and skill to develop creative solutions that protect our clients’ interests. Contact Miller & Steiert today to schedule a consultation.

Misdemeanor Crimes

Our criminal defense lawyers in Littleton and Denver handle all types of misdemeanors, including:

  • Traffic violations, including speeding and failure to stop
  • Drunk driving (DUI / DWI)
  • Minor possession of drugs
  • Petty theft
  • Breaking and entering
  • Trespassing
  • Vandalism

No crime is too “minor” or “insignificant” for our firm. We believe that everyone is entitled to and can benefit from strong legal representation, even if they only received a parking ticket.

The Art of Negotiation

A large part of misdemeanor crime defense involves negotiation: negotiating penalties, negotiating plea bargains and negotiating actual criminal charges, for example. Our Littleton and Denver lawyers have the experience to obtain positive results during these discussions. We know the system well and can put together a strong case that convinces the prosecutor to act favorably upon our clients.

Contact Our Firm

Even if this is your first misdemeanor charge, it is advantageous to seek the advice and counsel of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Contact a misdemeanor defense attorney at our firm for an initial consultation.