Child Custody Attorneys in Littleton and Denver, CO

Mother’s, Father’s Rights & More.

Having a child is a big responsibility. And that remains true when couples divorce and when people have a child without being married.

Most people treasure their rights to spend time with their children and to make sound decisions regarding their education, health care, religious instruction and other matters.

Child custody or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities determines how parenting time and decision making will be shared.

The standard in all legal matters where children are affected is that the best interests of the child are prioritized. Whatever can be done to provide not only emotional support of both parents, but financial support, is ordered.

Legal and Physical Custody

Colorado no longer uses the term “custody” to define and determine how parents allocate parental responsibility and time with the minor child or children. Colorado now uses the terms parenting time and decision making. The decisions that are allocated concerns health care, medical providers, education, religion and general welfare for the child. Parenting time and decision making can be allocated to fit your individual and family needs, including sharing these responsibilities. Children benefit from the love of both parents. And while most courts strongly encourage most parents to be flexible in sharing time when there is a disagreement between parents the court order must be strictly adhered to unless modified by the court. Any allocation of parenting time by the court is based upon the best interests of the child.


Colorado no longer uses the term “visitation” to define the time a parent spends with his or her child. The key issue in visitation rights is the ability to work together without animosity and without poisoning a child’s relationship with the other parent. It is in your interest to demonstrate to the court that you can do this. Most co-parents are able to maintain a civil working relationship. Be advised that any change in the agreed or ordered parenting time schedule must be approved by the court.

Denver Family Law Firm | Child Custody Agreements

Our attorneys‘ can help you work out an agreement without court involvement that best serves all parties, including the court. The Denver child custody attorneys at Miller & Steiert, P.C. can advise you on the options and your legal position. We can assist in a settlement agreement or in litigation should that be necessary.

Contact Miller & Steiert for an initial consultation.