Child and Spousal Support Attorneys in Littleton & Denver, CO

Whether you are paying child support or receiving it for your child, you deserve to be treated fairly and you have rights proscribed by law.
Determining child support is an issue hotly contested by child support lawyers in Littleton courtrooms. The goal is to uphold a child’s best interests, and working with an attorney who understands child support guidelines in Colorado is one of the best ways to do so.

Colorado’s Child Support Guideline

Children have the right to financial support from both parents. Colorado law sets out guidelines for the amount each parent should pay and/or receive. These child support statutes ensure that every child receives the adequate financial and emotional support from both parents.

Colorado follows the “income shares” method in determining support. The amount of child support depends on the gross income of both parents and how much time they spend with their children. The formula also includes other expenses, such as the cost of health insurance and child care.

You can find information about electronically calculating child support and/or spousal maintenance using the Colorado Child Support Calculator by clicking here.

Seeking Legal Help for Child Support Issues

Even with useful tools that help compute child support, an experienced Colorado or Denver family law attorney is still important to ensure that the figures entered are fair to you. Various factors reduce or increase amounts, and courts have some discretion.

Like all states, Colorado courts support the idea that it’s best for a child to have frequent and ongoing contact with their parents after a divorce. In most cases, in fact, judges support joint custody arrangements. Regardless of your situation, however, time-sharing will depend on your child’s best interests.

If you are considering divorce or have been divorced but have questions about child support, contact Miller & Steiert, P.C. Our Littleton law firm also serves the Denver area.