Spousal Maintenance and Support Lawyers in Littleton and Denver, CO

Spousal Maintenance or Spousal Support

Alimony is a term that is no longer recognized to define spousal maintenance or spousal support. Spousal maintenance is ordered when the assets and property awarded to one spouse in the divorce proceeding is not sufficient enough to provide for their continued support.

Colorado has adopted a formula for determining the amount of temporary support for families that earn under $75,000.00 in combined income but has no formula for families that earn more than that amount.  In those cases, the length of time and amount for spousal maintenance is let to the discretion of the Courts.

Modifying Spousal Maintenance

If circumstances change, the amount of spousal maintenance you are paying or receiving can be changed.  If you need help with making modifications to spousal maintenance or have questions, call or contact Miller & Steiert, P.C. today.

Denver Family Law Attorneys

If you’re dealing important personal matters like spousal maintenance issues, you need a Denver family law attorney with experience. Contact Miller & Steiert, P.C., an established and respected firm serving generations of Colorado clients.