
Did you know that some states compel people to obtain a lawyer for real estate transactions? Although Colorado isn’t one of them, it does indicate just how serious these types of contracts are. It’s possible to have your arrangements go off without a hitch without the extra help, but it rarely works that way. There […]

Many clients arrive to our office describing various conditions at their workplace they believe represents a hostile work environment. However, the legal requirements for a hostile work environment are very stringent and narrow. Watch here as Chris Forrest explains the conditions necessary to demonstrate what a hostile work environment is and whether there you may […]

Losing a loved one is never easy. After someone passes, survivors are left in a sort of limbo, trying to work through the grieving process, while realizing that although death is final, it leaves behind a lot of work. Even if a will is in place, there is still much to do. This is where […]

Watch as Ben Currier explains how a bond works and how it relates to arrests and criminal law. In this video, he also goes into detail with who actually sets the bond, how the bond amount is determined, and the consequences for violating a bond. If you’ve been arrested and need legal counsel, contact Miller […]

Many people think that a will is all that’s needed for their estate. However, this is rarely the case. Much more is involved if you want your final wishes to be carried out exactly as you desire. A Denver Estate Planning Lawyer Can Help You Avoid These 6 Mistakes When planning your estate, consult with […]

What are My Rights as an At-Will Employee

Have you ever wondered what at-will employment means or how it affects you? Watch as Denver employment lawyer Chris Forrest of Miller & Steiert explains how federal laws affect at-will employment, what limitations there are to hiring and firing, and how it differs to other forms of employment. Think you’ve been wrongfully terminated? Call us […]

According to AARP, Americans are planning to leave about $30 trillion to their millennial children. Although that’s no small sum, surely parents want to pass down as much as possible to their descendants. To do this, people have to be wary of how it’s spent today and also how it might be spent in the […]

Listen as Probate Litigation Lawyer Gary Clexton explains how an appointed conservator is tasked to protect the assets of an estate and the decisions they are able to make on behalf of an estate. Think you have a case? Contact Miller & Steiert, P.C. today to discuss your legal needs or to secure legal representation.

Mistakes—they happen to everyone. Some mistakes are more severe than others and come with more harsh consequences, as when someone commits a crime. Whether the crime was accidental, intentional or you’ve been falsely accused, everyone deserves a good defense. The best way to ensure this happens is with a good criminal defense lawyer. Not Any […]

Watch as Denver Criminal Defense Attorney Ben Currier explains the steps to posting a bond when you’ve been incarcerated. Have you been incarcerated in Denver, Colorado? Do you need legal representation? Call us today to see how our Denver criminal defense lawyers can help you.

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