
Proper preparation of your divorce or your allocation case is critical. Initial preparation involves making sure that your attorney or your other representative really understands the case, understands all of the facts, the circumstances, your interaction with the children, the children’s interaction with you, the relationship that you have with your significant other. That first […]

In order to get divorced in Colorado, the specific grounds that you need to be able to assert to a court is that the marriage is irretrievably broken. When a marriage is irretrievably broken, a court will inquire whether there really is no saving a marriage, that it really is over. The court doesn’t get […]

The ability to move out of state is one of the more difficult problems that a court addresses here in Colorado. The general rule is that you cannot move out of state if you have some other parental relationship or parental responsibilities matter that has been decided here. If a child has lived here the […]

In any divorce in Colorado, if there are children, a court will always consider child custody or the parental responsibilities for each of your children or the child that’s in the marriage. It’s a mandatory requirement and is one of the major things that a court considers and has to determine in finalizing any divorce.

Spousal support in Colorado is now called maintenance. It also used to be called alimony. That language has changed in the statute. Maintenance is calculated in Colorado based on a statutory formula where 40% of the higher earner’s gross income is offset by 50% of the lower income gross earnings. There are some other factors […]

The court will determine parental responsibility on a standard which is the best interest standard. There are several factors that the court will take a look at in calculating what is the best interest for each child. Watch the video to learn more. 

How Is Child Support Determined In Colorado?

Child support is determined here in Colorado by the calculation of each party’s gross income, the calculation of the amount of overnights that each party has with the children or child, the amount of money that’s spent for daycare, for health insurance, for extraordinary expenses. Watch the video to learn more 

Debt is always one of the many things that a court considers in the calculation of a marital asset and debt division and also in a divorce. If a debt is premarital, it may not be counted or could not be counted into a debt calculation, and if a debt is marital in nature, it usually […]

What Should I Look For In A Divorce Attorney?

Finding a divorce attorney who fits you is one of the most important things that you cando in your divorce and for yourself in the divorce process. You will be spending a significant amount of time communicating with this individual, working with this individual, and relying on this individual’s advice, guidance, and help throughout the […]

The process for getting a divorce in Colorado when you have children is exactly the same as the process if you didn’t have children. You will have to file a petition for dissolution of marriage and all the necessary paperwork in the county where you reside. The court will then accept the paperwork, require financial […]

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