
In Colorado you do not need to be legally separated before you file for divorce. We’ve had many instances where the parties continue to live together in the same household before, during and even through the very end of a divorce process.

The steps for getting divorced in Colorado are fairly easy and straightforward. To start a dissolution of marriage or divorce, you file a petition for dissolution of marriage with a court in the county where you reside. Watch the video to learn more.

When you’re looking for a family law attorney to help you, one of the major things to keep in mind is that this person is going to be helping you through your family law problem, will also be advocating on your behalf and will be helping guide you through the process. So you want to […]

The time in Colorado to get divorced depends wildly between various counties. By statute, someone can get officially divorced within 91 days of the service of the documents on the other spouse or the other party. Generally speaking, if you have that go to trial in Colorado for your divorce case, you could be anywhere […]

In Colorado, anytime you have a divorce or an allocation for parental responsibilities case that’s filed and obviously involves children. You do have to take what’s called a parenting after divorce class. Every single county requires it. They require each party to go through it and to show proof that you have completed the class. […]

The ability to move out of state is one of the more difficult problems that a court addresses here in Colorado. If you have questions about family law or custody matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

The process for filing for child support here in Colorado requires either a petition for allocation of parental responsibility, calculation of child support, or usually child support is included in a divorce process. It’s not often that you have an initial first calculation of child support without some sort of parenting action that also goes […]

Watch Attorney Ben Currier explain how to prepare for a child custody case in the video below. If you have questions about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

The court will determine parental responsibility on a standard which is the best interest standard. There are several factors that the court will take a look at in calculating what is the best interest for each child. Many times the court needs assistance in determining what is in the best interest of the minor child, […]

Learn about who is responsible for outstanding debts accrued during marriage after divorce, watch the video below. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

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