
In Colorado, anytime you have a divorce or an allocation for parental responsibilities case that’s filed and obviously involves children. You do have to take what’s called a parenting after divorce class. Every single county requires it. They require each party to go through it and to show proof that you have completed the class. […]

The ability to move out of state is one of the more difficult problems that a court addresses here in Colorado. If you have questions about family law or custody matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

The process for filing for child support here in Colorado requires either a petition for allocation of parental responsibility, calculation of child support, or usually child support is included in a divorce process. It’s not often that you have an initial first calculation of child support without some sort of parenting action that also goes […]

Watch Attorney Ben Currier explain how to prepare for a child custody case in the video below. If you have questions about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

The court will determine parental responsibility on a standard which is the best interest standard. There are several factors that the court will take a look at in calculating what is the best interest for each child. Many times the court needs assistance in determining what is in the best interest of the minor child, […]

Learn about who is responsible for outstanding debts accrued during marriage after divorce, watch the video below. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

Dividing Property And Assets During A Divorce

In Colorado, property and assets are one of the many things that a court has to consider in completing a divorce and the divorce process. Assets specifically are divided equitably, is what the statute requires, and what in practice that means is usually a fairly equal division of the assets between the parties. Any asset […]

Attorney Ben Currier discusses child custody laws when moving out of the state is involved. If you have questions or would like more information about family law in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.

Information About Parenting Plans In Colorado

A parenting plan in Colorado is the overall plan by which each party determines and takes its parenting time or its time with each child. It’s based initially on the best interests of the minor children or the child. What that means is the ability of the parents to co-parent, the ability of the parents […]

Watch Attorney Ben Currier explain what you should look for in a Family Law Attorney. If you have questions or need help with family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today.