
What Is A Digital Asset?

A Digital Asset can be any type of electronic communication, but many other things as well. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today or 303-798-2525.

There are several things that you can do to plan for digital assets when you die, and that’s going to be a part of not only the estate plan that we would draft for you hear at Miller and Steiert, but it would also be through the custodian of the accounts. For example, Google would […]

What Do Severance Agreements Usually Cover?

The common terms in the severance agreement would include things like the amount of the payment; the timing of the payments, if it’s going to be in one lump sum or if it’s going to be over months of time. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, […]

It can be kind of scary coming in to talk to an attorney for those who want to come in for an initial consultation at our office. Before the meeting our paralegal will be sending you an intake questionnaire. It’s very important that the intake questionnaire is filled out prior to the meeting. We want […]

It’s very important if you have minor children that we designate a guardian. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today or 303-798-2525.