
Pregnancy discrimination was added to Title Seven, which is the federal law that protects people on the basis of race or gender or disability or age. Now, they’re also protected on the basis of pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions. What it says is that a woman who’s pregnant or has a pregnancy related condition has […]

What Do Severance Agreements Usually Cover?

The common terms in the severance agreement would include things like the amount of the payment; the timing of the payments, if it’s going to be in one lump sum or if it’s going to be over months of time. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, […]

A woman who’s pregnant or has a pregnancy related condition has to be treated the same in employment purposes as any other employee would be treated. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today or 303-798-2525.

A severance agreement comes about when there’s a separation of employment and the employer wants to give to the employee benefits to which they otherwise would not be entitled in exchange for the employee releasing any and all claims that they might have against the employer. The common terms in the severance agreement would include […]

As a courtesy, we wanted to let you know that a Federal Court in the Eastern District of Texas has enjoined the implementation or enforcement of the new overtime exemption rule issued by the Department of Labor that was scheduled to be effective December 1, 2016. This injunction is nationwide. This ruling means that the […]

A lot of people don’t understand that there are two layers of laws dealing with employment discrimination in the United States, and those are laws that are enacted by states, such as the state of Colorado, and laws enacted by the federal government. There are a huge variety of these laws that protect people against […]

There are a lot of significant differences between having at will employment status and being truly under an employment contract. As we discussed a little bit before, an at will employment arrangement in Colorado, and in most states, means that you or the employer can terminate your employment at any time for any reason or […]

There are important differences between an employment contract and at-will employment at a company. Watch as Chris Forrest of Miller & Steiert explains those differences and how those differences influence the rights and protections you have at a company. Contact Miller & Steiert today to discuss at-will employment and if your rights have been violated […]

Many clients arrive to our office describing various conditions at their workplace they believe represents a hostile work environment. However, the legal requirements for a hostile work environment are very stringent and narrow. Watch here as Chris Forrest explains the conditions necessary to demonstrate what a hostile work environment is and whether there you may […]

 Watch as Chris Forrest explains the difference between at-will employment and employment contracts in Colorado. He discusses how each are defined and what the criteria are in order to classify as one or the other.   Do you have an employment related legal question? Do you feel like you may have a case? Contact Us Today […]

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