
It can be kind of scary coming in to talk to an attorney for those who want to come in for an initial consultation at our office. Before the meeting our paralegal will be sending you an intake questionnaire. It’s very important that the intake questionnaire is filled out prior to the meeting. We want […]

Can I Name A Guardian For My Minor Child?

It’s very important if you have minor children that we designate a guardian. A last will and testament is a fantastic document to do that because it addresses, when I die this is what’s supposed to happen. For more information about family law or divorce matters in Colorado, contact Miller & Steiert, PC today […]

Can I Name A Guardian For My Minor Child?

Most people when they traditionally think of a will they think, “When I die this is where my assets are going.” That is in fact something that a will can do, but that’s not the only thing a will can do for you. The first and foremost important thing is if you have a minor […]

What Is Probate?

Probate is a judicial process, so what that means is a court is involved and the purpose of this process is to transfer assets from an individual who has passed away, the decedent, to the appropriate people who are living. Now the appropriate people depends on a few things, if you have an estate plan, […]

The process for getting a divorce in Colorado when you have children is exactly the same as the process if you didn’t have children. You will have to file a petition for dissolution of marriage and all the necessary paperwork in the county where you reside. The court will then accept the paperwork, require financial […]

In any divorce in Colorado, if there are children, a court will always consider child custody or the parental responsibilities for each of your children or the child that’s in the marriage. It’s a mandatory requirement and is one of the major things that a court considers and has to determine in finalizing any divorce. […]

In Colorado, there’s not a difference between legal and physical custody. The court will consider and will determine in any divorce or in any allocation of parental responsibilities what is called parental responsibilities. That means parenting time, which is mostly overnights, and then the decision making that each parent has on the health and welfare […]

The steps for getting divorced in Colorado are fairly easy and straightforward. To start a dissolution of marriage or divorce, you file a petition for dissolution of marriage with a court in the county where you reside. You would then have to disclose certain financial documents. You have to go to mediation in most counties […]

The process for getting a divorce in Colorado when you have children is exactly the same as the process if you didn’t have children. You will have to file a petition for dissolution of marriage and all the necessary paperwork in the county where you reside. The court will then accept the paperwork, require financial […]

The time in Colorado to get divorced depends wildly between various counties. By statute, someone can get officially divorced within 91 days of the service of the documents on the other spouse or the other party. Generally speaking, if you have that go to trial in Colorado for your divorce case, you could be anywhere […]

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