
Nobody wakes up in the morning expecting to be injured in a car accident, but knowing what to do in the moments following an accident can save you time, money, and heartache. An accident scene tends to be chaotic, so if you have a plan in place and know what you will do should you […]

  Most people are familiar with the term “statute of limitations,” but until they are faced with a legal issue that is time sensitive, they likely give these statutes little consideration. Personal injury lawsuits are one of the most important areas in which the statutes come into play. To begin with, a person injured is […]

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences a person can suffer. In many cases, the death of a loved one was preventable and the loss is considered wrongful death. This means the surviving family members are entitled to compensation. Though nothing can replace your loved one, if the loss is legally […]

Accidents tend to trigger a number of medical expenses. In addition to the initial costs of treatment in an emergency room, you might also need care from surgeons and other medical specialists and physical therapists. Some accident victims require special medical devices to assist with their long-term care and others need ongoing follow-up visits to […]

If you or a loved one has been injured because of a prescription medication or medical device, you deserve compensation for your pain, suffering, and medical bills. Some people assume if a product was recommended by a doctor, or if a patient willingly underwent a procedure or took a medication, he or she is responsible […]