Do Wills Need To Go Through Probate?

There is a misconception out there that if you have a last will and testament that you do not have to go through probate. You’ve dictated in the will where you want you assets to go. That is not true. A will actually goes through that probate process. See the clip about probates and what the probate process is. Wills go through probate.

It’s not having will or not having will that dictates whether or not we go through probate. There are assets, certain types of assets, level of assets that may set off that process, but a will is irrelevant for that. Wills, if we are going to be going through the probate process based off of the assets, then the will absolutely will be going through probate. If we’re not going to be going through probate because the assets don’t meet the requirements to trigger that process, the will does not go through probate.