How Can A Corporate Lawyer Help With Federal, State, & Local Regulations?

How can a corporate lawyer help you with federal, state or local regulations? As a lot of people know there is a maze and a huge amount of federal, state and local regulations that can apply to certain businesses and it really depends on the nature of your business and what kind of industry you’re in.

    If you are in a business that’s heavily regulated such as waste disposal, environmental businesses there can be a very complex layer of federal, state and local regulations which control essentially every aspect of your business. There are also licensing issues that come up for small and mid-sized businesses, whether that is liquor licensing issues, issues with tax licenses, with general business licenses and those can vary tremendously from municipality to municipality within the State of Colorado.

    You also have issues with, say, construction companies where they may be subject to OSHA safety regulations.  If companies have trucks that are over a certain vehicle weight and they have employees who are drivers of those trucks, there are federal transportation and safety regulations including potential things such as drug testing and safety inspections for your vehicles.

    Depending on the type of industry you’re in, you may be subject to regulations that frankly you don’t even understand are out there or exist. It is important to talk to a lawyer who has been involved in the areas of business that you want to become involved in and to make sure that you are compliant with these maze of regulations that are out there.