What are the benefits of mediation in divorce?

Divorce is always a difficult transition for couples and their families. Even uncontested divorces in which both spouses agree to end their marriage amicably struggle with the transition.

Litigation is sometimes necessary in divorce, but for many couples, a less confrontational option is available. Mediation offers a better, more efficient solution that allows you to make the transition as easy as possible. It provides many benefits for the couple and for everyone affected by their split.

How can mediation make divorce easier?

Mediation Saves Money and Time

One of the biggest benefits of using mediation to end a marriage is the time and money it saves. Most people represent themselves in mediation, so they are paying only mediator fees and not for individual attorneys. The mediator’s fee is split between the two parties.

Mediation is also more efficient. Couples are responsible for providing all of the documentation and information necessary to split shared assets and make decisions about their divorce, so it shortens the time needed to build a case. The goal of mediation is to end the marriage in a way that works for both spouses, as opposed to fighting for one side or the other.

Mediation Puts the Couple in Control

Another of the reasons mediation is so effective for divorce is because it gives all the control to the couple. The mediator’s role is to promote effective communication and keep the mediation session on track. He or she also determines if all the criteria are met for a divorce and custody arrangement, and if the details of the divorce are legal. Otherwise, the couple has complete control over their situation. They even get to choose the mediator, as well as the time and location of the mediation session.

Mediation is Solution-Oriented, Not Punitive

One of the toughest things about ending a marriage with traditional litigation is someone always feels like the winner and the other like the loser. Mediation eliminates this and helps couples reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial. The goal is to find something that works for both spouses and make the best of their situation. It focuses on finding a solution through communication, which has it benefits during the process, as well as later when former spouses share decisions about children. Nobody is the enemy when couples use mediation for divorce.

Are you considering divorce? Are you and your soon-to-be-former spouse hoping to find a way to amicably end your marriage and make the process as easy on your children as possible? Contact Miller and Steiert, P.C. to discuss your options and determine if divorce mediation is right for you.